FX Deep Cast is an ultra clear, advanced polymer designed for casting objects, both natural and man-made materials, to create an ultra clear, ultra 3D look. This resin is safe to pour up to 3" layers at one time with no bubbles or haziness. It is ideal for encasing virtually any object or as a super thick 3D protective layer over materials such as raw wood, stone, metal, plastic or other natural and man-made materials.
This new formula we’ve developed is easier to use, produces a clearer pour, and has a thinner viscosity than our previous Casting Resin. With practice and experience, FX Deep Cast can be poured up to 3” with no hazing, or microbubbles. For users newer to FX Deep Cast, 2” is the recommended maximum pour depth. When pouring FX Deep Cast to a depth less than 1”, a heat lamp is recommended to expedite the curing process. Under normal conditions, and at normal depths, FX Deep Cast typically cures within 48 hours.

• Food safe, non-toxic application
• Zero VOC, which means no solvents or harmful odors
• Very long working time
• Rock hard Durability
• Ultra 3D Ultra Clear
• Ultra UV Resistant
• Non-Fading
• Conforms to ASTM D4236
• Easy application